Send your enquiry now

Contact But 'N' Ben
Please scroll down this page and use our response facility to send your requests, enquiries and comments to us.

Please use our on-line repose form to ask us questions about the villa and/or to enquire about placing a booking

We will  follow up you enquiry promptly and look forward to answering your questions and/or arranging a booking for you.

Contact But 'n' Ben Now

Please take a moment or two to fill out this form. Note that the minimum information we require is your Surname, your e-mail details and/or your telephone details. (As marked * on the form).

 When you've completed the form just press the SEND NOW button. 

Please press the button once only.... after about 20 seconds our system will confirm that your request has been received.

First Name:
*Tel Number:
  Please contact me as I'm keen to book Villa But 'N' Ben.

Ready to send your questions and/or comments?

Then please click on the SEND NOW button...


But 'n' Ben
A Scottish Holiday Home in Portugal 



Tel: 0044 (0) 141 762 0530